We're stronger
Membership Classes
Class A
Class A members can incorporate the Western Fuels team as their entire fuel and transportation division — and put their full focus towards plant operation, grid sustainability, and generation research. All members in this class are allotted two seats on our board of directors.
- Annual coal purchase agreement of 650,000 tons or greater
- Coal purchase agreement shall consist of an all-requirements contracts
- Sourcing recommended by WFA, directed by member
Class B
Class B members have direct access to Western Fuels as a partner for their internal fuels and transportation departments. Each class B member receives one seat on our board of directors.
- Annual coal purchase agreement of 650,000 tons or more
- All-requirements contract not required
- Sourcing recommended by WFA, directed by member
Class C
Class C members may choose to take advantage of coal purchasing and railcar fleet management, without the need for a minimum coal purchase agreement.
- Annual membership fee of $500
- Management fee to be determined based on services provided
- Class C partners may elevate membership level at any time
Membership benefits
Western Fuels owns and operates Dry Fork Mine near Gillette, Wyoming through our affiliate Western Fuels Wyoming — a not-for-profit cooperative that provides a low-cost, dependable source of energy for customers in Wyoming and beyond. Our mine has a reserve base of more than 250 million tons and the ability to load via truck or the BNSF railroad.
Dry Fork MinePurchasing & negotiation
WFA negotiates fuels contracts and purchases more than 12 million tons of fuel every year. As a result, we are able to obtain pricing typically not available for smaller purchases. These savings are passed directly to our members. Other than the cost of fuel and transportation, WFA only charges a nominal management fee across the entire membership designed only to cover the cost of operations — when there’s a surplus, we return it to the membership.
Transportation & fleet management
Western Fuels owns, leases, and maintains more than 3,000 railcars, negotiates equipment financing and leases, and schedules member loadings and deliveries. We also maintain partnerships with maintenance providers so members can access preventative maintenance and repairs for their own railcar fleets.
We recognize that all forms of energy are necessary for a sustained and reliable power grid. As such, coal steadfastly remains a vital, affordable, and reliable resource amid increased demand and extreme weather. WFA advocates nationally and the state and federal levels to prevent political agendas and false narratives from interrupting our members’ abilities to supply their communities with affordable electricity.
All services
Coal Purchasing
- Bid solicitation, evaluation and contract negotiations
- Contract administration
- Scale calibration and sampler bias testing
- Market analysis/coal sourcing studies
- Accounting and auditing
Coal Mine Development
- Contracting and on-site management of drilling programs
- Geology, coal quality and reserve evaluation
- Mine engineering, planning and feasibility studies
- Mine capital and operation cost estimates
- Land acquisition
- Permitting
- Market and transportation analysis
Coal Transportation
- Bid solicitation, evaluation and contract negotiations
- Contract administration
- Train scheduling
- Railcar ownership and leasing
- Railcar maintenance
- Railroad construction/build-out studies/cost analyses
- Accounting, rail property taxes and insurance
Coal Mining
- Management and supervision
- Life-of-mine planning
- Mine surveying
- Permitting
- Reserve acquisition
- Insurance
- Bonding
- Liaison with government agencies
- Reclamation
Our Members

Organizational memberships
Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee (RETAC)
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
National Mining Association (BoD Seat)
America’s Power (BoD Seat)
Western Coal Traffic League (BoD Seat)
National Coal Transportation Association (BoD Seat)
American Coal Council
Wyoming Mining Association
Mid-West Electric Consumers Association
American Public Power Association
Colorado Mining Association
Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute